Our Story

Welcome! Reviving Real Food is about bringing back the old way of eating.  When food was nourishing, and the ingredients were recognizable.  We are stepping back in time while keeping our modern conveniences.

As with many people the path to find nutritious food started because of a medical emergency. Although I have always had an interest in eating “healthy”, it has been a journey discovering what I believe “healthy” is.  Our journey began with reading package labels and deciphering ingredients, and that lead us to find The Weston A. Price Foundation.  We began to replace ingredients we cooked with, one at a time. We moved to making much of our food from scratch, like great great grandma would have.  We learned how the majority of modern “food” is produced, which lead us to searching for alternative local farms to purchase from. We wanted to know how our food was raised. From there I strived to grow much of our own food and became passionate about regenerative farming.  Now we have started our own farm with a mission to provide high quality nutrient dense food in a regenerative way.  Here on our farm, all our animals are raised on pasture. We are raising chickens for meat and eggs, 100% grass-fed lamb, 100% grass-fed beef, and turkeys seasonally while using regenerative farming methods.  

We recently added a farm to table food trailer where we will be able to serve food raised on the farm at farm events.

And, starting in 2023 we will be adding a Heardshare where shareholders will be able to obtain raw goats’ milk. 

We are excited to be sharing our farming journey with you and hope to help you put real food on your plate.

Best regards,

Megan LaPointe